PPO Bolivian Law Firm promotes the country's first Postgraduate Diploma in Enterprise Legal Management

Demonstrating its commitment to the training of young professionals.

As part of its “PPO JOVENES ” program, and in alliance with the Universidad Catolica Boliviana, PPO ABOGADOS promotes and participates in the country’s first Postgraduate Diploma in Business Legal Management, which is also valid as a degree modality for the Law degree of said institution.

“At PPO we are dedicated to sharing our experience and knowledge. In this sense, we are proud to announce that the firm has partnered with the Bolivian Catholic University Law School to collaborate in its first Postgraduate Diploma in Enterprise Legal Management”, highlights Carlos Pinto, Managing Partner of PPO.

This Diploma, especially relevant for the professional training of lawyers with the intention of specializing in Corporate and Business Law, will begin on March 7. Seven partners and 3 prominent PPO professionals will be part of the teaching staff, thus sharing their highly specialized knowledge. Two of them are: Ana Valeria Escobar and Pablo Ordoñez.

Ana Valeria Escobar, partner of PPO and specialist in Intellectual Property Law, points out that “sharing our experience in the classrooms of the University is truly an honor. The collaboration with this project fills us with pride because it reaffirms our commitment to the training of professionals inside and outside of the firm”.

For his part, Pablo Ordoñez, partner of PPO and expert in Tax Law, adds that “PPO Lawyers participate in the Diploma institutionally. And they do so with great enthusiasm, contributing as teachers, professionals with academic training and international professional experience, who will impart practical knowledge in the practice of the law applied to the business world”.

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