Mining and Hydrocarbons

Opportunities & Insights in Bolivia

World Intellectual Property Day

World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated on April 26. This day was established by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to raise awareness about the importance of this discipline and its role as a framework for intellectual production, innovation, and creativity.

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The challenge of women in law and intellectual property

Every day is a good day to appreciate the work of professionals who have dedicated years of their lives to the practice of a field of knowledge.

On this occasion, and in commemoration of International Women’s Day, I extend my greetings to my professional colleagues and to every woman who has devoted and continues to devote, her knowledge and efforts to fields related to Law or other areas.

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Regulatory Alert – Opportunities for public works concessions

This article reflects the modifications made to Supreme Decree No. 181 through Supreme Decree No. 5216 on September 4, 2024, which open the possibility for both Municipal Autonomous Departmental Governments, as well as National Strategic Public Companies (EPNE, for its acronym in Spanish), to initiate procurement processes for Public Works Concessions, and not just for the use of public domain assets and the provision of public services as had been the case until now.

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New Regulation on Thematic Bonds

2016 was a historic year in the fight against climate change. 196 countries including the European Union, which are parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, also known as the UNFCCC, met in Paris to agree on a set of principles about how to curb greenhouse gas emissions and cope with climate change. This milestone was called the Paris Agreement.

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Importance of registration in the face of third party use

In the past few decades, informal commerce has witnessed a substantial surge in Bolivia. It is common to encounter individuals offering products on the streets identified with trademarks, many of which are well-known brands. However, these trademarks are frequently utilized without proper authorization, as they are owned by other rights holders.

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Implementation of Continuous Working Day in the Private Sector

In recent weeks, a scenario of uncertainty has been generated in some companies in the private sector due to the determination of the Ministry of Labor to suspend continuous working day and to apply, starting March 6, 2023, the discontinuous working day, to both private and public sector companies. In response to the fact that there are private companies that, due to the nature of their activities, agreements with workers, or other reasons, implement continuous working day.

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If We’re Going to Change the World, Let’s Start by Making It More Equitable

International Women’s Day is a global day to celebrate the achievements of women. It marks a call to put in action for the acceleration of equal opportunities for women.
At PPO, we are committed to working for a gender-equal society. Some of this work is reflected in our Pro Bono program. For example, last year, an Institutional Cooperation Agreement was signed with the “Adelante Mujer Foundation”, based in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The purpose of “Adelante Mujer” is to contribute to the integral development of women through their empowerment. The women who participate in the program enjoy psychological therapies and also legal support.

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reading is everything

important milestones

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